$5 Saving Plan

I found an article about a lady who saved up to $12,000.00 by doing this funky but yet awesome method.
Most of us do not carry cash around most of the time, because of this so called convenience and technology of using our DEBIT/CREDIT CARD. Well, I encourage you to start taking money out of your bank account and start using cash more often, not only to apply this saving method, but also to avoid IDENTITY THEFT!
Yes, this happens to a lot of people! just by one little swipe strangers can get your card information ! (IT HAPPENED TO ME!).
So, this is how this works:
**Every time a $5 bill comes into your possession, you will put it in your little saving magical “jar”**
I personally have been doing this for about 5 months now, and I notice the difference in my jar!. I am all about saving extra cash; I sometimes throw coins and $1 dollar bills in there as well… HEY it can’t hurt right? Hehehe
Even my 3 year old daughter knows that every time she finds coins around the house, parking lots, cars… she knows to  hold on to them until we get home to put them in our JAR! It really makes her day every time she puts money in our jar. This is not only helping us save, but it is also helping her learn the concept of SAVING MONEY J
So try this little method and you will thank me later J

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